What 5 Pieces Do You Need This Winter?
Winter has been upon us for a few weeks, but how many of us are bearly getting our life winter ready? haha We still have about 2 months of winter left and it is colder than ever. Winter is one of the hardest seasons for me because the weather is in between in
California, and let's face it the majority of us think a hoodie counts as winter attire. So how do you narrow it down? I narrowed it down to 5 pieces, to help you get by and have a warmer winter.
En Español
El invierno es la temporada mas difícil para mi, y eso que vivo donde no níeva. Ya va como un mes que estamos en el invierno, pero cuantos de nos nosotros apenas los estamos preparando? jaja Eston son dos de los meses mas fríos. Entonces que los podemos combinar nuestro vestuario esta temporada? Hay 5 piezas que le van ayudar mucho este mes. |
1. Vests
One of the things we have to remember is that winter is ALL about layering! Yes. layers are going to be your best friends. Everyone goes for the jackets but forgets about the vests. Vestsare not only stylish but you can throw on a jacket on top if they are not too thick It's like wearing a double sweater without the sleeves and helps you protect your chest from the cold.
2. Socks
How many of us forget about wearing socks? Not only that you can wear them longer and give yourself that extra layer. With what can I wear them? 3 different ways to style your socks:
1. This is perfect when you decide to wear that winter dress with knee high boots.
2. Can be worn under jeans if you need to be kept extra warm.
3. You can also use knee high socks with platform/ankle shoes. I know it feels like we can only wear knee high boots in the winter but nope! Socks allows you a little bit of diversity.
3. Bottoms with Lining
Don't we all miss our leggings in the winter? I went all of college without thick winter leggings so I thought this needed to be addressed. haha. Here in California our winter attire is different than other states but this past year we got more bottoms with a warm fleece lining inside. You can find jeans and leggings with a warm plush fleece lining to keep you extra warm. This is a must!
4. Beanies, Ear Muffs, & Hats
Take This is the season bring out those beanies, ear muffs, and fall hats. This is the perfect opportunity to take them out. It's only cool to wear ear muffs in Winter! haha One of the things people forget the most to cover in cold conditions are the ears. You want to protect them. It makes all the difference.
5. Knitted Tops
You want to invest in some good knitted sweaters or tops! A regular cotton hoodie or long sleeves does not keep you as warm as a knitted garments. They are not only stylish but super warm. You can even pull off off the shoulder knitted tops depending on the extremity of the weather. This year fashion came out with the deep V necks on the back of the sweater I would stay away from those since they let the air in more. If you don't cover your back appropriately, it won't matter how many layers you have. You get cold instantly. xx,
En Español
Una cosa que tenemos que recordar es que esta temporada se trata de usar muchas capas de ropa. Chalecos están muy de moda y los pueden usar debajo de los abrigos si no están muy gruesos.
Cuantos de nosotros se los olvidan usar calcetines? son esencial por que lo mantienen mas abrigados. Hay 3 formas que pueden estilar sus calcetines:
1. Son perfectos cuando quieren usar un vestido de invierno con botas asta la rodillas.
2. Los puden estila debajo de sus pantalones de mezclilla.
3. Pueden usar calcetines asta la rodilla y combinarlos con zapatos de plataforma. No necesariamente se tiene que poner botas todo el invierno.
Como los encantan nuestros pantalones negros (leggings) y pantalones de mezclilla pero en el invierno no es suficiente. Así que busquen pantalones con forro de lana. Las va a mantener calientitos y en moda.
La temporada perfecta para sacar los beanies, gorros, y orejeras. Es la única temporada donde es muy de moda usar orejeras así que aprovechen. jaja Una de las cosas que so los olvida proteger son la orejeras, así que alisten sus gorros.
Quieren asegurarse que tengan suéteres y camisetas con tejidos. Una camiseta larga no es suficiente para el frío. Lo bueno es que tops con tejidos son muy de moda para esta temporada. Se pueden poner camisetas donde el suéter cae debajo del hombro. Este año salieron muy de moda suéteres que caen a mita de la espalda, están muy bonitas y si se las van a poner con un abrigo esta bien, pero típicamente si tu espalda esta expuesta no te vas a mantener caliente. El Cual es su pieza favorita este invierno? Déjenme un comentario para saber! <3 Gracias por leer. Aseguren de seguirme en Instagram @queenbeefashionblog para fotos diarias.
xx. Caryn