Goodbye 2020 HELLO 2021
When we greeted the new decade no one expected a world wide pandemic to rock their lives and change the world as we knew it almost overnight. The restrictions placed to help control the spreed ranged from using face coverings to complete isolation for those of highest risk. Many loved ones were lost and the rippling effects are still being felt world wide through financial and emotional struggles. But for all that has been lost, this New Years Eve should be celebrated. Although not in the traditional ways many might be use to, we must strive to find a way that helps us each individually rain in the New year. Bellow you’ll find some ideas of how to welcome 2021 with an open heart, warm embrace and fashion to remember.  
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 
John 16:33

Whether your party is of ONE or Many let your fashion reflect the good vibes you want coming your way. If you will be spending it at home decide if it will be a cozy new pajamas type of night or a total glam gown event!

If being with others physically isn’t an option perhaps do an impromptu party with all the fixings. These zoom parties have been the 2020 highlight for so many, why not say goodbye to 2020 with one of your own. 

For those looking to enjoy nature this time of year the first snow fall of SoCal came just in time to wrap the year and welcome 2021 and if snows not your thing the beach is always an amazing and revitalizing. 


Activities breakdown

  1. Setup a picture wall with balloons and decorations (use a tripod or take selfies).
  2. Setup stations for board games with age appropriate twists ;)
  3. Setup a dance floor in your living room (setup a club style setting if that’s where you would be)
  4. Cook or order out a special meal (either do dinner cozy on the couch for once if its not your norm or sit at a decorated dinner table).
  5. Treat yourself to a special dessert to close the year.
  6. Take a walk on the beach or head to the mountains. 
  7. Take a hike, a bike ride or just sit and enjoy nature. 

No matter the size of your party, welcome the New Year on your terms while still being mindful of keeping others safe. Remember everyone is someones loved one. 

December 31, 2020 by Style In California

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